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Type specimen of the Northern White Rhino

Taxidermy specimen of the Northern White Rhino. Made from the skin of an animal collected by Percy Powell-Cotton in 1905 during his expedition to the Congo.


Type specimen (first to be discovered) and therefore of huge scientific importance. Now representative of an essentially extinct sub-species. Named after and discovered by Percy Powell-Cotton.

Powell-Cotton Museum

Powell-Cotton Museum,
Quex House and Gardens,
Quex Park,


This is the type specimen of the Northern White Rhino, meaning that it was the first to be scientifically catagorised as a seperate sub-species from other rhino. It’s Latin name is cottoni, reflecting the man who discovered it. This species is now essentially extinct in the wild and an icon of the difficulty to survive that many species face thanks to the impact of humans.

Curriculum Links:

  • KS1: Local History, Significant Individuals, Animals, including Humans
  • KS2: Local History, Animals, including Humans, Living Things and their Habitats, Evolution and Inheritance
  • KS3: Local History, Britain 1901- Present Day, Skeletal and Muscular System, Ecosystems, Inheritance, Human and Physical Geography
  • KS4: Ecosystems, Inheritance


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